12 March 2014

Hidden power of Android


Hidden Power of android.

Every android phone comes with a Busybox , which provides several unix tools. (Android use a Linux kernel. ). unfortunately android does not provide a shell or command interpreter. like xterm in Debian/Ubuntu. user will have to install them manually. few of it are. • Below are some useful command found in android:

cal displays a calendar and the date of Easter
dd convert and copy a file
df , du report file system disk space usage
dos2unix , unix2dos convert file from one format to another.
ftpget , ftpput , tftp File transfer client & server.
httpd A barebone web server.
ifconfig configure a network interface
ip show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels.
md5sum , sha1sum , sha256sum , sha512sum compute and check MD5 , SHA1SUM , SHA256SUM , SHA512SUM message digest
nc The swiff army knife of network mapping.
netstat Display network connections, routing, tunnel etc.
ping , ping6 send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
ps Display process
sh , ash Shell or Command interpreter
sqlite3 A command line interface for SQLite version 3
telnet , telnetd A Telnet client & server.
traceroute , traceroute6 Trace the route to HOST
top Display top process
touch change file timestamps
udhcpc , udhcpd DHCP client & server.
uname Get system or kernel information
uptime Tell how long the system has been running.
vi Text Editor
wget The non-interactive network downloader.
who show who is logged on
whois client for the whois directory service

Other commonly use command:
awk , basename , id , hostname , clear , cat , date , diff , dirname , dmesg , echo , dnsdomainname , env , false , find , hostid , head , grep , less , ln , ls , mkdir , logname , more , mv , pwd , sleep , sort , rm , rmdir , sed , renice , reset , tail , tee , test , true , uniq , which , whoami , wc , yes .

Here are few example:

ping -c 5 google.com
sqlite3 foo.db
Web Server:
busybox httpd -h /mnt/sdcard/www/ -p 8888
Download Manager:
busybox wget -c www.example.com/map.png
Telnet Server:
busybox telnetd
busybox telnet
busybox whois www.google.com
busybox uname -a
busybox top -d 2
dd if=pic1.jpg of=pic2.jpg
busybox cal 2014
busybox netstat -tun