11 April 2014

Time Counter

Time Counter

Time Counter

Create a time counter using Shell scripting.

# Create a file  time.txt  in home folder (any folder is ok). put '0' (zero) in it as second (starting value of time).


# Create a  time.sh  script (in the same folder) and put this code in it.
#file: time.sh
#description: keep track of time spend on computer.


if [[ -f $file ]]; then
old_time=$( cat $file ) && new_time=$[ $old_time + 60 ] && echo $new_time > $file ;
echo '0' > $file ;
This script will take stored time value from  time.txt  and add 60 seconds to it when run.
So if the current stored time value is '0' (zero), it will add 60 seconds to it. and so on.

# Now we will run this script with crontab. Open Terminal and edit crontab:
crontab -e

..and add this line to the bottom of the file:
* * * * * /bin/bash ~/time.sh
This will make the  time.sh  to run and update  time.txt  simulteneously every minute.

# put this code in .bashrc file (found in home folder). with this we can check the time on terminal..
counter() {
second=$( cat ~/time.txt ) ;
day=$[ $second/86400 ] ;
hour_remain=$[ $second%86400 ] ;
hour=$[ $hour_remain/3600 ] ;
minute_remain=$[ $second%3600 ] ;
minute=$[ $minute_remain/60 ] ;

echo $day days $hour hours $minute minutes since 2014 April 12th.


# Open Terminal and enter counter:
0 days 0 hours 44 minutes since 2014 April 12th.

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